So, being in my 9th month of pregnancy, I'm already achy, uncomfortable and grouchy, but now add bronchitis to it, and I am one really unhappy camper! Sorry... just wanted to vent a bit. I hurt all over my back and hips, and now I am constantly holding my belly because I am coughing so much that I'm going to pop my overwhelming belly button and this baby is just going to come flying out! Somebody better be ready to catch him!

And poor little Haley isn't feeling so hot either, and Macy's been running a fever off and on. All the poor girls in our household are just having a rough time right now. If you're a girl, I'd stay away!

Oh, and random side note, Haley broke my camera last week so I had to send it to the Canon factory to get it fixed. Yikes! Lukie had a fun birthday dinner on Sunday with some family, and no pics to speak of! That's ok, we'll get some when we have his birthday party!