Can you believe it... it's June 1st!!! Crazy! Where has the year gone? For us, only 14 more days of school - yeehaw! Not that I love the kids being around all the time, saying they're bored and there's nothing to do, but I do so love not having EVERYTHING scheduled! I love the "relax-ness" (is that a word?) of summer! For us, the remainder of June and all of August are pretty "relaxed", but July is a bit crazed. A week of Girl Scout camp, a week of Cub Scout/11-year-old Scout Camp, and two weeks in Los Angeles right in the middle! We are excited though to see our friends from Cali and hopefully get a trip to Disneyland out of the deal - if it isn't too hot!

Have a super June 1st! Go out and do something "June-y" to celebrate!