Chad and Reed "WANTED" at a BBQ at Aunt Margaret's house in Salt Lake City
The kids at the Mt. Timpanogos Temple. Isn't it pretty?
Twin brothers separated by 11 years!
Chad and McKay at the water park.

Well, we made it home! Had a great time in Utah! Didn't get to see all that we wanted too - sorry Meehan's and Tweetie! I really wanted to see both of you, but just ran out of time! Next time, I hope!.. but had a great time, nonetheless!

Anyways, the kids had a great time at Seven Peaks, a water park in Provo, and as I mentioned earlier, I had a great time with all the shopping, and walking to the Mt. Timpanogos Temple, a mere mile and a half from our friend, Teresa's house. It was amazing!

Speaking of Teresa... special thanks to her and Jim and their kids (the ones living at home, at least - fun to play with Kathryn though!), Scott, Ben, Ryan, McKay and Annie, whom we kicked out of beds, but were especially nice to all of us and Susie and her family too
(just an extra 11 people for a few days! nothing major!)! As Teresa kept saying, it was just one big giant slumber party!
Oh, and we got Macy's other tooth out too! Aunt Susie pulled it out one night and now Macy is my "toothless wonder"!
Now, I'm getting ready for the Portland to Coast Walk tomorrow. I'm on a team with 12 people and we are starting in downtown Portland, taking "legs", walking 127 miles to the beach. Takes about 24 hours! Pretty crazy! Will let you know how it goes. Wish me luck!