Making jewelry.
Chad and John singing a very rowdy rendition of "YMCA"... with quite the back-up band when they got to the chorus part!
The gang plus Luke and Garrett.
Princess for a day! Aunt Susie made Macy's cupcakes and mini cake, with the crown and earrings on top, so Macy had to wear them in order to light the candles. And all her friends loved it because Aunt Susie put Barbie Princess rings on all the cupcakes which opened up to reveal lip gloss! Perfect!

So, the update to Macy's birthday party. We had 6 little girls over, plus Macy and Haley for a total of 8 (also Garrett, who just turned 5, and his dad, John, who was really good at karoake!). They had a great time! We did all sorts of projects - purses, jewelry, crowns, etc. - and the highlight was probably pedicures by Aunt Susie and I, who of course, spoke "Chinese" the whole time we did it! We had 3 of the girls spend the night, and I finally put them to bed at midnight, after Macy and Haley had already fallen asleep. A good time was had by all!

And who would guess how excited a group of 7- and 8- year-old little girls would get over the CD for High School Musical!!! Crazy!