Friday night D's work had an outing... to visit the Shanghai Tunnels. "What", you may ask, "are the Shanghai Tunnels?"... well, let me tell you. The Shanghai Tunnels are these basement-like tunnels under all the establishments in Portland. Apparently in the 1800's men would wander into salons, get drunk and these kidnap people would "shanghai" them drug them and drag them into the tunnels, put them in holding cells, and then sell them to sea captains to work on their boats. They would stay on the boats for 3-6 years, and then might get returned to Portland. Hence, the term "Shanghai" was created. So anyways, we go on a tour of some of these tunnels - their really kind of cool, once you get past all the creepy-ness of them - for about an hour an a half, learning all this cool history and everything. It was pretty neat, but after a while, it was just another creepy, unfinished basement, and we never saw or heard any ghosts - DARNIT! Yeah, cuz I REALLY wanted to - NOT! The tour guide kept assuring us that something happens on every tour... and let me tell you, I was really happy that nothing did happen! Scott and Carrie Murphy, our Cub Scout packmaster and Primary President
John and Paula Perkins
Bob and Susie Huckvale - we love you guys!
Saturday night we had a couple of friends over for a murder mystery party. It was 50's theme, and we had a lot of fun. Very surprising to find out who the murderer was. And it was fun to see our friends dressed up and in character.