Grandma Paula emailed to give me grief for not posting in a week, so here goes. Whenever you question my sanity, remember this day.

Yesterday. Started out good. Got the car washed (had to get all the dog hair out of it from going to obedience class the past 6 weeks), got some groceries, ran some errands. Came home. Was cleaning kitchen, including getting rid of some leftovers in the fridge. So, came across some pulled pork and decided to put it down the garbage disposal. Didn't like it so much. Backed up and clogged it, but I didn't worry because this has happened once before and if I give it time, it usually fixes itself. So anyways, D calls and asks me to get him some info, so I go down into the basement to get on the desktop computer and realize that I'm hearing a strange sound. I turn around, and the ceiling is dripping, onto our new couch. (Apparently, the disposal didn't fix itself.) Oh, and did I mention that I decided to run the dishwasher at the same time? So, D came home and got it all fixed, and the lesson learned is... don't put pulled pork down the drain... and if you do and plug up the drain, don't run the dishwasher at the same time.

So, in the meantime, Haley's friend, Savannah, is over. D and I are trying to clean the kitchen, and Savannah, who is 4, comes running into the room saying that she had nothing to do with it. A little concerned am I, yes. So, I'm like, what didn't you do? And she's like, the kitty litter. So, I go upstairs to find Haley in our bathtub in about 4 inches of kitty litter. That morning, I had been cleaning out the litter box while Haley was taking a bath. When I took the lid off the box of litter, it fell into the bathtub and got wet, so I put it on the counter to dry off. Well, Haley and Savannah thought this would be a great time to fill the bathtub. So, lesson learned on this one... don't leave the lid off the litter box, and if you do and your 3-year-old and her friend pour it in the bathtub and add water to it, the wet/dry vac from the garage can only hold so much before it clogs up and gets very heavy, and stops doing the job. Needless to say, bathroom is still not fully clean.

And you thought Cooper was bad! Oh, did I mention that last week he ate my whole bottle of Thyroid medicine and I had to call the Poison Control Center. This is my life.