So this Christmas, the gifts that everyone we know got were any of the following: a) a Wii (even Grandpa Fred got one!); b) a flat screen TV; or c) (if they could find it...) Guitar Hero. Well, Santa did find Guitar Hero in our household... for a very good deal, I must add. So, huge hit. Everyone loves it! The kids play it... the adults play it... extra guitars come over so they can battle... one of Luke's friends had a whole "Wii" party for his birthday, with a huge Guitar Hero battle.

Point of my story... apparently this isn't enough in our household. We have our Wii on our main floor in our TV room. Derrick decided that we needed "Rock Band" (which includes the guitar AND DRUMS AND a microphone) in the basement to play on our PS2. He figured that way we could have concerts on almost every floor of our house. Lucky me. So, he made a deal with the kids, that they could work to earn some of it and he would put up the rest. Little did we all know, he had already bought it because he could find it, so now, every floor in our house will be rockin'! Oh joy... it's my lucky day!