Ok, so the challenge for January is... a scrapbook page a day (http://www.bigpicturescrapbooking.com/). I know that I am late sharing this challenge with you... I am also late starting my challenge... but here goes. Hopefully, this way I will be able to stay somewhat caught up on my own scrapbooking. I still haven't scrapbooked really much of anything for 2006, but I'm working on 2007 for right now. I have about 55 layouts to do (for 2007), and here are the first 4. They're really simple - just trying to get them done. That's the point... right? Almost caught up for today. I figure once I get somewhat caught up (in general), if I try to do something for myself daily, as well as for the lady I scrapbook for (Jeanne), maybe it won't be so bad. We'll see.

Just as a side note, I've also exercised today, as well as last Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Not too bad! Hasn't killed me yet... almost... but not quite.