Sorry, it's been a bit crazy (ok, a bit crazier!) at our house lately. Between having the basement worked on, the WASL (Washington State School tests), trying to finish a scrapbooking deadline (to pay for the basement!), having Amanda and Grandma & Grandpa visit (love all of you!), life has just sort of slipped by. So, on that note, here's some catch up.

First off, pictures of the basement. Chad has a room - still in the rough stage - but it's there. It's so neat to see the progress. The bathroom is being worked on, and a shower has been bought. Yesterday we spent the whole day re-arranging the new crawl space area and trying to figure out where to put all the basement stuff. Needless to say, our garage is pretty filled up with Star Wars toys right now.

Friday night we had some pretty nice weather and decided to BBQ. It hadn't rained since that morning, the sun was shining, and it was at least 55 degrees out - almost boiling!