Well, the real festivities continued. D and Luke were camping, so Macy, Chad, Haley and Reed made me breakfast in bed and cleaned and decorated the house. Love it! Love when they clean without being asked... and they weren't even fighting while they were doing it! When D and Luke got home, D and I were off to see WICKED! Yippee! Followed by dinner at P.F. Changs. Totally good day for me! Loved the play (and the food!) and was totally suprised by the ending! If you get the chance to see it... DO!

Also wonderful were all the Facebook Happy Birthday messages that I got (I got over 40 throughout the day - I get FB on my cell phone so they were constantly there!). I may be 38... and have 5 kids... but I LOVE getting Happy Birthday attention! Thanks for all the love everyone!... it really made my day!