So after coming home and being on my grocery shopping high, I decided to do a bit of house cleaning. There's a spot on our upstairs wall where someone (who shall remain nameless - but he's the littlest redhead in the house) drew (ALOT) with black crayon. I was trying to clean it off, and really needed some Mr. Clean Magic Erasers. I decided to go to Walmart to get some, and wasn't fully thinking straight. My car is usually headed down our driveway towards the garage, but because it was full of groceries, I parked it in reverse so that I could unload it easier. Well, stupid me, when I was pulling out of the driveway, out of habit I put the car in reverse and smashed our garage door. Lovely! So nice. The car got dented and scratched too, but it's liveable, the garage door on the other hand, no longer works. Luckily we have a friend Ken (Hi Ken! Hi Kris too! Happy Birthday if you're reading this!!!) whose a garage door guy. He came over and figured it out and is going to be replacing our garage door to the tune of about $1000 - again, LOVELY!!!! And that's just at his cost. As if that wasn't enough, Chad then came home to inform us that he still had Washington State Testing next week - we planned a trip to California next week wanting to give us all a bit of a break - so I'm now frantically emailing his teachers to see what happens if he misses it... and Reed decided to draw on our nice green coach with a not-so-nice orange marker (luckily, pretty washable, and we were able to scrub it out with OxiClean - love the stuff! Are you noticing a trend here with Reed and writing on things????).
Things always come in threes. So, life is a bit tense in our house right now. Everyone pray that tomorrow is better. Maybe tomorrow will bring three good things - if I pray really hard... deal????