The cake that D decorated before Reed got to it.

While we were downstairs, waiting for Chad and Luke who were at Scouts, Reed decided to help himself to his cake. Actually, he just wanted the toys off the top!

Blowing out the candles.

After some cake.

Opening gifts - with a little help from my friends! Big hit - Geotrax! D and I found the starter set on clearance after Christmas as Target. Then Toys R' Us was running a great deal - spend $24.99 on any Fisher Price, get $24.99 FP for free... so he got some of the sets to go with it. Everyone loves it!

Our little Reedie turned 2 the other day! At the tender age of 2, Reed's favorites include... his "geegee" (of course, at the top of the list, it's his blanket. It has strings that are coming off that he rubs when he sucks his thumb), CARS, balls, more CARS (and that includes CARS cars, Hot Wheels, whatever he can find!), chocolate - CANDY, his siblings, the cats (sorry guys!) and Cooper (our dog), Star Wars (saw that one coming... didn't you?). He talks alot, but only to us. He's pretty shy with everyone else. He is funny and mischievious he's written on half the walls in our house! He likes to empty out the cat food dish, which is why is now lives on our bathroom counter. He likes to help - although his idea of "helping" isn't always what you would consider "helping"... but he tries. He can hum the Indiana Jones theme song as well as the Star Wars ones. He currently really likes to sing "E-I-E-I-O", and he uses it when he's mad at you... or he'll bust out in the ABC's. Not all the letters are involved, or any of them for that matter, but he likes to sing it. He is ALOT of fun, and makes us laugh ALL THE TIME! We are so thankful to have him as part of our family - as he comes running in, wielding a light saber, ready to go to battle!