It's been a busy time for the Tooth Fairy in our household. Within a few days, Chad lost two teeth, all the kids went for their 6-month dental check-up, and Macy and Luke had to go back to have some work done. Macy had to get one filling - her first, and she's only the second child to have any - Chad has quite a few from when he was a baby... and we would let him go to sleep with a bottle! What bad parents we were! And Luke... well Luke had to have 6 teeth pulled out! Poor Luke! For some reason, his adult teeth don't want to push out his baby teeth. They want to grow alongside his baby teeth... thereby causing him to look like a shark. Pulling out the 6 teeth will hopefully prevent braces... or at least, make his teeth not so bad. Keep your fingers crossed... right? He handled it like a champ... until the novacaine and laughing gas started to wear off and he realized he was in PAIN!!!