...so what's a sydney beachgal, who'd like to be listening to kookaburra's atop hills hoists & packing towels & 'cossies' {read swimmers anyone else} for the after school pickup in her big ol' beach bag to do, when it's still raining & you live nearer to cows & squirrels than possums & jellyfish?...

...she's to count her blessings...forgive her kids the spilt weetbix at breakfast, the football boot mud on the floor of the people mover, the netball skirt dropped on the stairs, the tiger suit in the bath, the endless baskets of washing, the pile of bags & bits that gather with whirlwind force each afternoon at the door....
...she's to look at bit longer at the green of the english grass, the spring flowers working ever-so-hard to get the heads above soil & the cows at the end of the lane...

...three happy, funny, tryng, loud, chaotic & gorgeous kids at the end of a school day...thats what the rain is now about for me- time to just stop & enjoy the things i do have to be thankful for...

...when our littlest pikinini asks 'could we get another boy mummy' for her big brother- i think i can bask, for a moment, in the thought that she knows that it's 'lovely' to be in our family...

...when it's still sleeting & april is on the doorstep..
...these are the special & small things i choose to focus on...
