A report published in the Fall 2010 edition of Adolescence was conducted by Baylor University.

The research found that teen-aged boys are more likely to use tanning booths, take diet pills and have their bodies waxed, even if they think these activities are unhealthy. If the teen is influenced by their peers.

The research, showed that boys ages 12-17 focused on how their skin appears to others—tone, texture and color—than on other aspects of their appearance, including body shape, when they are influenced by peers. Dr. Jay You, an assistant professor of fashion marketing at Baylor University found “I studied what kids are teased about, “you said, “If anyone looks different, people tease you. Probably boys who have acne would become really self-conscious.

While skin tone specifically tanned skin once was associated with blue color, “a tan now is considered a sign of the leisure class. “says Yoo.

The report further puts into perspective that as the availability of over-the-counter diet pills and media presentations of those products may make adolescents think taking them is the norm.

According to Yoo, they may view being slim as healthy, while being overweight is viewed as unhealthy, taking diet pills is merely considered as a means to achieve slimness.

According to young the use of tanning booths, waxing skin and spa treatments suggests that appearance conscious youths may share a wide range of information and experiences.

You theorizes that because little research has been conducted on adolescent appearance, it is at this very age of adolescence when they develop shopping patterns and appearance, and those who engage in risky behavior continue into adulthood.