afternoon all...
coffee in hand...laptop in the light of the sewing room...
i am here to have our *virtual coffee* atop an old ladder to show you *my creative space*...
don't think we've hung out in this room for our weekly virtual coffee together before...
i spend mucho time in here...sorting...sewing...folding...creating...
& this ol' ladder, dragged home from a second hand shop at the other end of our village...
gets mucho of a work out in here as for for fabric...photographic prop...
today she's your lovely cosy pink chair for you today...
we're in the room of chaos creativity & climb on up... if we were really meeting for a coffee in my creative space...
i would show you this gorgeous fabric that we picked up over christmas in ikea!! big girl...{eye like a creative hawk!} actually spotted it in the fabric section...
last batch....
of course she will *score* a cushion out of it for that find...
a linen with almost big hand painted white circles all over it...
5 whole metres of it!!
in fact...if we were really meeting for a virtual coffee in my creative space you may even score a cushion out of it...i love it soo much!

& if we were really meeting for a coffee, you atop that lovely ladder...
i would introduce you to these little guys...
polly & ollie...
*hope softies* we've created to post off to australia...
they will be wrapped with care & sent to the children of queensland australia...
hopefully many of the families living in brisbane & the surrounding flood-striken areas will receive
*hope softies* following the appeal for creative help from steph from *mon petit poppit*...
if we were really having a coffee i'd hook you up with her to make a few of your own this weekend...

& after i'd shown you her gorgeous blog...
i'd send you with your coffee in hand over to the inspirational blog that is *kootoyoo*...
to check out lots of other bloggers sharing their *creative spaces*...
each thursday i visit these wonderful people & oooohhh & aahhhh at their lovely spaces...
this week i've decided to at last join in....
& over our coffee you'd see that i have a serious small obsession with baskets & storage...

& if we were really meeting today for a coffee...
i would tell you i have a poorly kiddo home...again...
as usual...i blame it on the slight change in weather!
i had a hair appointment this morning...
a very sacred appointment...
so the hubster & i tag-teamed it this morning...
he stayed home with the gorgeous, very thankful kiddo till lunchtime...
& then i came home...feeling all *swishy* & *washed* & did the lunch...bath...fresh clothes thing...
how lovely is that...he got both of us at our best!

so now i need to do the afternoon snack...juice...dvd movie loading thing...
that means no more hanging out in *my creative space* gabbing about postage...& ikea...
hope you really think about making a *hope softie* for some little guys in oz currently living in an emergency shelter their families...
& thanks, as always, for listening to me go on over a virtual coffee...

& if this is the first virtual coffee we are sharing together...
& you are one of my lovely new readers...
i want to thank you for being here...
we usually share a great natter & all matter of beverages here every tuesday hosted by my very dear bloggy friend amy from *lucky number 13*...
love you to join us next week....
