ok..so i never thought i'd say *get your tie-dye on*...!

seriously gals- for me...*tie-dyed* is the kinda hippie i never channelled...

sure i hoped for a little hippie-cool- you know sandals & beads- when i was travelling round


i hoped for a little surf-hippie-cool when i rode my long board in my teen bikini...

but i never went tie-dye hippie!

suffice to say the hippie tie-dyed tees of the 70's were best avoided...

i thank my mama for never putting me in anything remotely swirley & fluro...& well tie-dyed...

in my case- the hippie in my parents living on the then remote {northern beaches of sydney}- saw me

skipping 'round in crochet bikini bottoms & eating home-made muesli...with bare feet...

never a tie-dyed skirt or singlet top in sight..

so i now find myself , some years later ;) standing righteously in my skinnies & ballet flats telling

you all to *get your tie-dye on*!

i blame it on my gorgeous friend {simone} - yep the simone of all things lovely & stylish from

{the bottom of the ironing basket} ...

she had a stash of dye- given to her- so popped a few in a box & sent them to my kiddos to play

with over the half term hols...

my kids of course didn't see tie-dyed-mung-bean-eating-hippie- from-the-70's that i saw...

they saw rock star...

what we achieved was what i would call *pretty-grunge*...

they googled tie-dying...ooohed & aaaahed at the simple one-coloured options...

they didn't grab old greying singlets to colour...

they went on the hunt for clean, white, cooler looking tees to *design* upon...

that's what they said- *hey let's all design some t-shirts*...i LOVE that...

so...my-rock-star-grunge-pretty-gypsy-travelling kids made me love a little tie-dying...

only in support of true design, self expression & a love of fashion of course... ;)

when the kids want a little crafting over their holidays...grab a bucket, a bag of elastic bands & a couple

of fresh white tees...

get them out doors creating rock tees for christmas...


get your tie-dye on baby 'cause

"it's all in the way you wear it"

happy hippy thursday



PS- don't forget my *mollie makes* giveaway {here}

i'll get those little rock stars to pull a name outa their guitar case over the weekend!

