...we are home from a little piece of heaven...
...with freckled noses...
...happy sun kissed kiddos...
...VERY happy parents...
.{especially mama!!}.

...how does one ever tire of endless sunshine...
...blue skies...bakalava...
...an old stone farm house in an olive grove...
{perfectly decorated -but this is a whole other posting!}
...looking over the bluest of seas...
...under the clearest of skies...

...i've decided one doesn't....EVER...
...not EVER...ever never...

...so it was with not nearly enough days of *nothing* under our retsina mugs...
 ...that we left *our* greek island behind...

...but not before i visited my lovely old greek couple to buy *your* tablecloth...
...of course in true greek island style...
...they had *no more...fini*...
...but they did have a beautiful greek cotton cushion...
...the most gorgeous blue & white cloth...
...so i bought you them both...

...see you tomorrow for the good old-fashioned paper bits in a basket draw...
{well paper bits in a greek tin i managed to smuggle home...}
...i can't wait to send them to someone...

...i promise there will be seriously-gorgeous-greek-island-stone-house eyecandy coming this way...

...& i just want to say a special yassis to you *new* visitors...
...tomorrow i'm sitting down with a coffee...to come visit you all...
...well whilst i'm washing & being generally...you know...busy...
... thats post- hols talk to sound like you are back to the daily grind...!
