...yesterday's post got me to thinking...
...that although i share many tales moments in my life...
...with you lovely people & friends...

...i don't really share too much of my *miss sew & so* life...
...yet it makes up a HUGE part of *who* i am...
...& how i spend my days...

...amongst the 18 pinnies i have made for audrey's *ballet concert debut* this weekend...
...i have also made some gorgeous french sun dresses & vintage fabric-ed patchwork cushions...
...these cushions give me soo much pleasure...

...so with  a house full of  chaos & love beautiful family visiting from australia...
...& therefore a *gorgeous gang* of kiddos swarming in & out...
...i took great delight in creating these & seeing them in one of my fave little *duck lane* shops...

...you know england...the countryside...& our adventures...
...didn't really *include* the *creation* of a buisness for me...
...as i set about packing up our life on the gorgeous beaches in sydney...

...perhaps thats why it fills me with such ridiculous joy...
...it's been the *icing* on our *life-abroad-cake*...
...big lushious full to the brim kinda icing...

...to think that i...an aussie *salt-in-my-hair* kinda beachgal of 3 lovely salty kiddos...
...can use my love of all things vintage...
...to create pieces i adore to be sold in a gorgeous little english country village store...
...in duck lane...
...seriously makes me smile...

...ok... i know it's actually *now* called henry street...
...but that is the luxury of being foreign...
...{i completely ignore this small , god knows how many years ago change}...
...i can & always will... call it duck lane...
