it's monday & at last i am here at my desk...happily sitting amongst the birthday clutter that was our weekend....
i know it's an age-old cry from parents everywhere...
"when did it happen?"....
our gorgeous boy turned 10 on the weekend...10!
that double figures as he has reminded us & his sisters for the last week!
there's just no *buffering* of facts for us parents is there...
the kid has been cruising around all weekend...10....10...
he'll soon realise that there's 3 of them & 2 of us...
outnumbered but un-noticed yet...
he has not a care in the world that i still remember the first moment his doting older sister met him...
& the time he sat with me in labour all morning whilst i was pregnant with his younger sister...
whilst everyone else in the house was asleep he got up with me, at 4years old...
& we sat on the couch overlooking sydney harbour together listening to the cries of kookaburras & watching the sun come up together...
he so excited...waiting to become a big brother...
he's that kind of kid...thoughtful yet totally cool...
emotionally smart & wise beyond his years...yet a smelly happy constant football mad 10 year old boy...
he's been blessed to be *squished* between two pretty great sisters...
i'm hoping it will make him a good listener...boyfriend...husband & father in years to come...
something has got to come of all this girl time!
we're just off the wave of christmas & the new year...
but us parents with december & january babes know this is irrelevant to a child...
the party...the celebration...the next wave
& so we packed full the party bags...
we made endless green-football-pitch-cupcakes...
& we threw ourselves into the start of another new year....sol's 10 one...
the hubster & i have thrown a lot of kid's parties in the last 12 years...
three kiddos a year...two in the same month as one another...
& i never wonder where our enthusiasm for them comes from...
we embrace them whole heartedly...the kids & the parties...
i know there are some families who celebrate big one year & small the next...
we have kidded ourselves in the past that we are going to adopt this *way*...
but...whether the kiddos like it or not...they are having a party!
& what child would argue with that....?
you show me a boy...
in a back the front brand new football kit...
covered in sweat & mud...
surrounded by his sisters & besties...
with a pile of green cakes...
a family that want to celebrate his birth for the 10th time...
who'd rather do something else...
i'll eat my laptop...
happy birthday gorgeous sol
we love you very very much