So Macy's really been wanting another fish. Why? We don't know. Doesn't really matter that we already have a dog, two cats, five kids and two adults. We totally needed another pet in her mind.
Well D and I discussed it, and we decided that if we were going to get another pet, it was going to be something a bit more entertaining. So, meet Melvin. We went to the pet store and talked to the hamster dude. Told him we wanted one that was kid friendly, and this is who we got. He now lives in Macy and Haley's room and hopefully won't have a heart attack in the next few days from all their joy and excitement at being new hamster owners. Welcome to the world of rodents to us! I always had mice, hamsters and guinea pigs as a kid, so I knew it would happen sooner or later, but really... what were we thinking????