remember the gorgeous old chippy piece of timber we found whilst walking along our estuary the other morning...
well it got a soapy scrub down & was left in the sun {!!} for two whole days...
this was almost enough for me...
an old lovely piece of timber catching the rays at my front door...
but...i've been eyeing off gorgeous signage all over the bloggy place lately
i really wanted to make a street name sign of our lovely road here in the english countryside...
something that i would eventually take home & hang in our hall in australia...
something to always remind us of how much we love our village life here...the little town we live in...
this street will forever be part of our families history...
i really was going to follow a whole host of fancier instructions that i had printed out from other gorgeous blogs...
you know...choose your typeset...print it backwards...spray it...turn it over...rub it on...trace it over....
but to be honest that all overwhelmed me a
so i roughly set it out in pencil, by hand, in the same typeset i use when sewing letters on cushions...
i painted it roughly, by hand, in white household paint with some of the kids acrylic black mixed in to get a very dark grey colour...
gave it an hour or two to dry & simply took to it with a small sander....
i figured i'd just *sand out* the slightly imperfect parts of my hand painting...
i love sanding with a passion...
i actually find it quite hard to know when to stop...
but as this gorgeous piece of timber was already so weathered it kinda dictated how little sanding i really needed to do to get this effect...
i love that it reminds me of the walk the hubster & i had on a *school day* together along the village...
i love that he was sooo happy for me to drag it home...
i love that it got cleaned up over a glass of wine in the sun...
i love that it will forever remind us of our home here in the english countryside....
what d'ya think?
for's a keeper
i now need to hang it
there's some sunshine awaiting me & my still poorly big gal in the front garden
i'm hooking up with all the creativeness that is gina
*the shabby chic cottage*
transformation thursday
go have a squiz & feel inspired!