Hello...morning all...
{see that capital letter there?...yep the H...that's for my friend jane who would smile to see me throw in a little punctuation every now & again!! ;) }

so...back to lower case...
it works with the way i speak better...
if that makes sense?
i kinda speak like i've got much to say...
in a lower case kinda way...

so bloggy friends today i am going to share with you my most *favourite & best* thrifting find to date...!
yep...i have had my eye out for *one* of these for the last 3 years...
i now have *two*!!!
god knows if they work...
at the moment i am just sitting & smiling & loving them on my little stool...
you know i have this problem with brilliant finds...the sitting & staring thing... 
{remember the metal box staring i was doing here ?}

take a lookie at these...
i dare you not to sit & stare...
i dare you not to take a hundred zillion photographs of something so gorgeously lovely & timeless...

i am in love...
i showed the hubster...& he is in love...
so for now we are just going to play with them...
we showed the kiddos how the *old world* used to work...
we talked about telescopes & submarines...
& old movies...
& black & white film that winds on...
& my new-old camera's gave us a brilliant lesson in history...
{even my beloved china doesn't gain this much attention!!}

have you a little vintage hunting list?
these have long been at the top of mine...!

it was unrealistic to think we'd only ever take one crate of goodies home from ol'blighty...
the hubster sees that now...bless him...!
& if i get these up-&-running...imagine the images...
i love a new project...
& i think these may be the *it* of all projects...

so if you have any box brownie
duaflex II
knowledge pllllease let me know...
i'll be sitting here

today i am linking up with

if you haven't already...
you must stop by 
for my almost spring giveaway

{thanks for all the wonderful comments this week xx}
we'll be drawing the winner from an old bucket 
after a car-boot trawling morning 
on sunday 
at a big old lovely post english school!
good luck!

