We are finally settling in our new home.  There is a lot of work to be done and things to find amongst our still packed boxes.  The house is great.  A bit rustic and needs a fair amount of repair work done (a work in progress).  We have had our first visit from a Puff Adder and he came puffing into our lounge.  I dispatched him back to the long grass as I am not too fond of snakies.

We have had our first overnight visitors.  Liz's sister Claire and brother-in-law Neville spent the last long weekend with us.  Nev is a keen fisherman so he and his friend Rob disappeared fishing for most of the time.   Nev also took some really good pictures of the area.

My workshop is getting sorted and soon I'll be able to make a few things.  I have already done a few small jobs but things will go better when all is tidied up and tools are put in their correct places.  The workshop has good lighting so that is a battle won before fought.

The telephone collection has a new home in my office.  We finally had our telephone line installed and so the PABX system is up and running.  We will soon be able to take calls all over the house and in the workshop.

I really feel that we have made a good decision by moving here as it is so quiet and private.  The owners are great folks and they trust us to look after the property.  My handy man skills are a great help in fixing things so the cottage is improving as time goes by.


You can see some of the pictures that Nev took for us.  Please click on each picture to enlarge.

 Hilltop view of the farm



Hilltop view of the Umzimkulu River and Garden Castle far centre

Space view (Google Earth not Nev!)