Dear Mom I Love You.
Now over the years, I have had those moments with my mother. There have been those times, when I have hated my mother, blamed my mother for certain things, or just couldn't accept what she had done in my eyes, good bad or ugly. But what I learned through therapy is that no matter what I think or believe she will still be my mother.
One of the most difficult things for me to come to terms with is in the issue of "Why". Why didn't my mother understand me, why didn't she know? When things were bothering me. Most importantly why she wasn't there for me every time I needed her. What I learned was that she isn't supermom, she is just my mom. My mother was there for football games, wrestling matches and other events that I was involved in. But she couldn't be there for everything, that is just not possible. Therapy helped me understand that.
But what we should all remember on Mother's Day is that your mother brought you into the world and she does love you, don't be foolish and spiteful and not express your love for your mother. Waiting can result in not telling her those three simple words "I Love You", because when your mother passes on, you can never express them to her in an appropriate way.
Mom I Love You, Happy Mother's Day
» Happy Mother's Day - Love You Mom!