we are back from ten glorious days in the Scottish highlands...
eight on the beautiful island of Raasay- off the Isle of Skye...
for us aussies- this wild, larger-than-life part of the United Kingdom is a moment of home...
it ticks all the boxes for us...endless nature, remote, water orientated...
Kiddos & water...I just feel calmer with the combination...
back to our *water-loving* roots...
the remote-ness of this perfect island meant much foraging, fishing, crab potting & bread baking...
Robinson Crusoe style...
flotsam & jetsom style...
incredible memories for children...
a realisation that a supermarket is a convenience...
a way of life that many in remote places have done without forever...
if you want a crusty chunk of bread for lunch...then knead it...
if you want a seafood dinner...
then drop pots for it...
or knock it off the rocks...
or fish for it...
appretiate the effort real, fresh food may demand...
it's so worth it...
a holiday that involves no conveniences...just endless experiences...
memories for a life time...
don't get me wrong...
i ADORE a hot shower...
a glass of wine...
fresh socks...
hand cream...
painted toenails & freshly washed hair...
but somehow after a day of foraging & gathering...
getting wet & hauling crab potts from the bottom of an ancient bay of deep blue water...
smelling like the local fish mongers...these luxuries just seem all the lovelier...
i can't stay long & chat...
i have washing baskets overflowing round this big old house...
wellies & driftwood strewn round the kitchen...
little people still home from school on half term wanting to make dollhouse douvets...& play garden football...
a HS gal to get to school -holiday mode off, work mind on...
be seeing you tomorrow...
{after a journey through the countryside to ikea}
with my
bread recipe in hand...
thanks gals for the emails whilst on hols...
with all this foraging
it was lovely, i have to say, to get back to the Scottish mainland
your messages & thoughts!