Because of Barbara Green Trimble LeFevre's post to The Clifftop West Virginia Memories Group showing her and Larry Cool at the Park and then more posts about the pictures, I started a search yesterday, June 3rd, to find out more about the training accident that took Larry's life. I didn't know the date or the name of the ship and had trouble finding information. I finally found it and ironically, Larry was lost at sea on June 3, 1969 while serving aboard the USS Frank E. Evans. Larry was an Electronic Technician 3rd Class and his body was among those not recovered when the Australian Aircraft Carrier Melbourne collided with the USS Frank E. Evans in a Training Exercise in the South China Sea. The USS Frank E. Evans was ordered off the gun line on the Coast of Vietnam to take part in the training mission Operation Sea Spirit. Because the 74 American Sailors were on a training mission, their names were not added to the wall commemorating those who lost their lives in Vietnam. I tried once to have them added and will try again. Isn't it amazing, that something moved me to look up this information exactly 42 years later on the day of the collision.
I am unable to find a picture of Larry Wayne Cool, one of my best friends as a kid growing up in Clifftop, West Virginia. I will post one if I find one, and I know I have one some where.
USS Frank E. Evans with it's Bow missing and tied to the USS TAWASA -- Bow missing is an understatement, since there is more of the ship gone than what remains afloat.
Here is a link to those who were lost in the collision, as well as others.