Storage in an office is essential and papers just seem to grow! Use one wall as a designated area for books and papers. This can be a bookcase, plastic cubicles or bookshelves. Position your work area in front of the window for the natural sunlight that can provide a sense of well being. Even gloomy days are better than staring at a wall. If there is enough room, bring your desk back from immediately resting against the window frame. This creates a bit of an open concept to eliminate a cramped feeling.
Choose your window dressing carefully – you don't want to block out any natural light but on the other hand you don't want to squinting to see your work. Venetian and wooden blinds are ideal as you can adjust the angle of the slats according to where the glare is coming from, likewise cheap Roman blinds can be pulled up and down and they'll also help to reduce potential heat build-up.
Use a small table or file cabinets to create an L-shape from a straight desk. Everything needs to be within arm's reach but not immediately in front of you. Have a spot for everything and you will become adjusted to keeping your work in order. Dot an empty wall space with a favourite painting or poster that is inspiring. Keep personal photos and momentous items to a minimum. Wires are always a problem with computers, printers and other electronic equipment. Keep them permanently secured and out of sight to prevent tripping over.
Image: Belle Maison