virtual coffee gals...
london style...
though today my lovelies it is tea...
black tea as i have a very yucky tummy...
black tea in the most divine mug from a very special {friend}...
london was divinely perfect...
the kids cruised round that city like it was home...
it was another reminder for us that travel is one of the best gifts you can give a child...
they embraced the ever-changing scenes of London life, with the thoughtfulness & enthusiasm that we
have seen in them endlessly since we have brought them to live abroad...
this time- i didn't record every moment of our days in London...
it was about making the kind of memories that fill your heart with friends & fave spots...
taking it all in...wanting to hold the moment of a city we love for a little longer...
St.Paul's made my heart sing...we saw the {tent city} that has taken hold here- amazing...
the kids learnt about the *realities* of big city life...
they learnt about the frustrations that people face across the globe- they made us so proud...
the questions later, the understanding...the compassion...
we loved the christmas lights...the traffic...the people...
we loved the air of excitement...the history...the shopping...
we walked through lanes...visited iconic landmarks...had our last fix...
& we looked at one another- for the last time in london during our wonderful four year
journey to this side of the globe- & we smiled...
we've lived it...we've loved every moment...we've made lasting memories & cherished friends...
we've done it as a family- & we couldn't be prouder of what we've created...
if you ever get the chance to just sit on the banks of the Thames...with kiddos in tow...
do it...
it's one of life's small blessings...
onto the give away
...drum roll...