Keep your festive spirits up while you prepare mountains of festive foods by adding decorations to your kitchen! You don't have to go mad, but a simple artificial tree to compliment a stainless steel contemporary kitchen or home-made gingerbread men hanging from red ribbons from your curtain poles or kitchen blinds will remind you why you're slaving over a hot stove!
The gorgeous aromas that waft from the kitchen will also make it a b-line for those who can't resist the beautiful smells, so they're bound to wander in to see what's cooking. Make use of family and friends by allocating tasks, such as peeling potatoes or washing up, it will help ease the pressure you may be feeling and make your guests and family feel useful – well that's the idea anyway!
We see the sign 'Keep Calm and Carry On' on lots of soft furnishings, from cushions to wall plaques this may be a cliché but it is worth remembering that you should also be able to enjoy the festive season without being a slave in your own kitchen, add some decorations even if it's a pretty bowl filled with clove studded oranges or tiny baubles to remind you that the festive season is full of good cheer!
Image: belle maison