morning lovely bloggy friends...
we had a mid week teacher's strike here yesterday & therefore a house full of extra's...
so not all my boxes were ticked- which i'm needing to do each & every day now that we are *in*
the month of our huge {move back} to the beautiful beaches of sydney...
so...after a morning of balance (you know those mornings- & it wasn't the kids!)...
the ever patient, every gorgeous husband took all the kids to school...
& i'm sitting here, with a strong cup of tea...thinking bout filling advent pockets...
not life altering i realise ;) but about all i can manage this of those mornings people...!
for our three kiddos, age irrelevant, the *advent calendar* is a special lead up to the big day...
they've all gone off to school this morning anticipating the opening of the first advent goodies
this afternoon...
some years we've had little fabric squares on string lines across the windows...
some years we've done the
chocolate calendar boxes, with the flip open windows...
you know the ones...awful, loud, disney inspired {!!??}...yet do the job...
this year we needed something simple...that could survive a mid-advent flight {home to Australia},
whose daily pockets could be filled with more than chocolate coins...& that was made with love
by me, for them, in the house we have loved in the english countryside, for so long...
so...the squares were cut...the french numbers stamped...the pieces sewn together...
& this morning i am going for a quiet, simple wander to fill those pockets...
english sweets...some little english souvenirs...little reminders of our time here together...
by Christmas day we will be sitting in the sand, drinking smoothies & wondering what the cold
felt like...
so taking this advent calendar home on December 20 & opening one day in Dubai & the
remaining days in the sunshine just makes this year's calendar all the more special...
at this time of year- life can be a tricky balance...
remember the simple things are often the loveliest memories...
a shared thought: yesterday an incredibly brave mother from our little school lost her long fight with cancer...
her two beautiful children were blessed to have had her guide them for as long as she could...
today please just take a moment to look at your children...
& to love them that little bit more...
Karen will always be an inspiration in my mind & though there are many tears- her smile is what i will recall each & every time we passed with school bags, scooters & *good morning's*...
thank you for the small *moment* of time in which i knew you Karen- your children will continue to be loved & watched over at school by their many gentle friends...