Ok, so I just got "tagged" by my friend, Poppy. I have to list 5 things about myself that most people probably don't know. Here's the problem, I'm a pretty open book. I like to talk (or write in this case), and I share WAY TOO MUCH!!! So, here's some random things...

  1. Ok, I LOVE to vaccuum! Don't know why. It's like this instant gratification type of thing. My mom is probably laughing at this right now, because as a kid one of my chores was to vaccuum the stairs, and I would never do it because it's too hard... that's why I now pay Chad to do it!!! See, works out best for everyone. I also LOVE to do laundry. Don't enjoy folding it or putting it away, but next to vaccuuming, it's probably the easiest thing to do to make a place look clean. Make sense?
  2. Ok, so I'm not that girlie. Don't care for jewelry, clothes, make-up (still not fully sure how to put this stuff on!) etc., too much. All about comfort. Could live in jeans, t-shirts and Ugg boots. Sometimes I wish that I liked jewelry and make-up more (especially since Macy and Haley are REALLY girlie - not sure where they got it!), but considering I'm now 36, it's not likely to happen in the too near future.
  3. I'm a super, big-time HORDER! Not of everything, mind you... just of scrapbook stuff and craft supplies (D balances it out with his Star Wars stuff, so we're quite the couple). I was talking to my friend, Liz, the other day, asking her where she keeps all her scrapbook stuff. She tells me that she has like one RubberMaid bin that she keeps it all in (not like me, who has a room, and is still busting at the seams). I asked her where all her extras go, and she said she doesn't really have any. She buys specific things to make specific pages and that's it. Not me! I buy stuff because it's cute, shiny, sparkley, fun! Whatever. Pretty? Gotta have it! Might use it at some point, might not... but need it now! (Isn't it good I don't like jewelry that much?)
  4. I WAS a Hair Virgin! Get it? 36 and I had never colored my hair - other than Sun-In - (my mom always told me not too - too much maintenance!, so I didn't), until the other day. After the whole water-leaking-kitty-litter-in-the-bathtub-fiasco. It was time. I love living in the Northwest, but don't love that my hair has gotten so much darker... so, I totally got what I call, "Happy California Hair". Will post a picture as soon as I take one. Now, I just have to work on that Girlie thing (see #2) and have maintenance. Last time I had my hair cut was last December if that gives you any idea.
  5. Ok, and this one is totally random. I haven't bought a greeting card in like 9 years. Can't do it. Once I decided that I could make my own, I've never looked back. I don't even like to look at them in stores. Just too many, with too many options, that aren't my own. D's funny, cuz he loves to give me cards, and any time he does he always looks for the ones that look the most handmade. The ones that have embellishments and stuff on the front of them. And then he'll buy like every one he can find, just because he knows that I'll like them (and of course, I keep every one of them - back to that hording thing!). See... he does love me!

Ok, so there you go. 5 random things. Kind of silly. Not really about hidden talents or anything... but done. So there. Now, I tag Amanda, Jeannette (maybe this will get you to put something on your blog), and Susie (you too!). I will be checking... so get it done!!!
