Ok, so Thanksgiving. What are your thoughts? I was very happy to be going to my sister-in-law's (SIL) house for Thanksgiving. I LOVE Thanksgiving! Love the food, love the family, love the whole gratitude thing! Until one day last week, when my SIL decided to burst my bubble - she informed me that she was ditching us and heading to Utah to go to the BYU game. Like BYU is more important than us or something (oh yeah, and her son and his new wife who live in Utah also). So, now I have to do Thanksgiving dinner all by myself for us and my other SIL, Heidi, and her family. So Susie, abovementioned SIL, came over yesterday, wrote me an entire menu with a timeline of when to prepare everything, and a shopping list putting everything in order - like produce, meat, dairy, etc. (She does love me after all!) Let me tell you, I went to Costco today and it was a ZOO!!! Still gotta go to Winco tomorrow... pray for me! Will let you know how the whole thing turns out... just wanted to get a little sympathy in the process (violin music starts now). Know that some of you do this on a regular basis (well, at least once a year), and love it, but just so not up my alley. All about throwing parties... but parties with finger foods and treats. Not 40 course meals!!!