I am sure many of you have heard about brownies that have had weed mixed into them and cooked. But I am relatively sure that most have not heard about "Lazy Cakes!" "Lazy Cakes!" are marketed as herbal brownies designed to help adults de-stress. The brownies contain a high dosage of melatonin, a hormone that helps people sleep. According to the "Lazy Cakes" website, each brownie contains two servings or about 8 mg of the hormone. According to medical experts most people need a much smaller does of melatonin when it is used as a sleep aid.

The problem with this product is that seen in the picture it's cutsie marketing and cartoon character appearance is clearly marketed at children and teenagers. Lazy Cakes are currently available in most convenience stores throughout the country.

According to Dr. David Zich of Northwestern Memorial Hospital "Melatonin helps calm us down. It also lowers our core temperature and prepares us for sleep." But there are risks. "Melatonin can actually cause seizures in people who are predisposed to it. If you're a woman trying to get pregnant, or a man trying to start a family, it can interfere with your ability to start a family." For children and teens the effects may be more profound. Since "Lazy Cakes" have hit the market there have been several reports of children being hospitalized after eating them.

Currently Arkansas became to first state to ban "Lazy Cakes."  Illinois Senator Dick Durbin has sent a letter to the FDA requesting them to regulate "Lazy Cakes."

But where there is one there are others, including "Kush Cakes" and "Lulla Pies"  On the Kush Cakes website the warn that they should be taken with alcohol, and then contradicts itself with a this listing on the FAQ page, "4. Are Kush Cakes safe to eat while drinking alcohol?" "Does a 1 legged duck swim circles? Of course! You can eat a Kush Cake while enjoying a nice cold beer, or glass of wine perhaps. Be careful, you may get REALLY relaxed. Oh no!" This seems extremely contradictory and can be misleading to children and teenagers. According to Kush Cakes "are made with more potent concentrated cakes are baked with love, our proprietary blend of natural ingredients and of course lots and lots of luscious chocolate!" but a listing of their ingredients are not readily available.

Then there are "Lulla Pies" which are either a cookie or brownie. Seriously do adults need to use brownies or cookies to relax, are we all that stressed that cookies help us relax, my opinion is no! But these very items are extremely popular with children and teens "chocolate goodness" how would we feel if we labeled "heroin" with "chocolate goodness" would we feel better about it, NO! Now before you get worked up I am not saying the two are the same. But the ambiguity that we are allowing to be sent to our children is setting them up to begin using drugs or drug infused foods to help them deal with "stress" at even an earliar age! That to me is a recipe for disaster!

These items are directly targeting the population that is looking for legal alternatives to getting high or increasing their high through poly drug use. 

Either way this is another clear attempt of marketing that is designed to be attractive to children and teens. Otherwise why not market them like many other brownies packets in plain clear plastic with the label on them. These colorful, character driven packaging are marketed to your kids. Contact your legislature, community leader to let them hear your dissatisfaction with this really bad idea.
