yes i missed you yesterday...just back from our sea change...full of stories...
so much to share...& then something happened that took me away again...
ol'blighty turned on the most glorious weather & of course, my laptop was ignored...
so virtual coffee today is blessed by sunshine...grab a garden chair...
& let me show you a few moments of our day yesterday...
i rigged up a good old fashioned "french-looking" {according to miss.ella- well trained she is ;)} clothes line down the length of the back garden...
& planted herbs a plenty in pots i found around the place...
i wandered round our garden...loving my chippy french chairs & the smell of lavender...

i spent the morning at ikea with the b.b {british bestie} & some of our kiddos...
& we managed to get outa there by one-ish!
i know...what the?
definately a first for this gal...
& yep i made sure the hubster knew- brownie points & all...
it lifted my spirits to have a good old ikea fix...
jars & rag rugs, kitchen bits & books...
& to still be out by one!
& home to glorious sunshine - especially as my post-holiday washing baskets are still running over...

b.b took the kids for a couple of hours- god bless her...
& i rigged up lines &  threw on more washing...
gotta make the most of that british sunshine...

if we were wandering & discussing all things garden i would tell you that she's a blessed source of endless gardening information, the b.b...
i have gorgeous roses climbing up my front door...white & pale pink with a peachy edge...
i have zip idea about them...but i adore them...
i noticed a little bug on them & of course she had heard a remedy for such a bug from the annual Chelsea Flower Show...
crushed garlic cloves steeped in boiling water- left overnight in a sealed jar & then sprayed over the entire bush the following day...
well i love these roses...
i love home made remedies...
i love i added that to my little list of jobs in the garden...
{if anyone has any more home made green inspired garden secrets- pleeease let me know whilst i'm on this roll...}

as i drove home through the village after off loading the kiddos, ikea bags & b.b on her doorstep...
i noticed mixed tubs of herbs for sale...i grabbed a couple of trays & threw them in with my haul...
i found a basket of mixed herb seeds in the shed...but really wanted to get some established herbs up & running...{it's a sunshine thing :) }
so i hung the line...
steeped the garlic mix...
planted some 'erbs...
for me, the perfect end to a gorgeous english day...
& yes my life may sound too simple to some...
but having grown up in sydney-with 4 million people on my doorstep...
these afternoons in england still make me smile...
the kiddos came home & we sat in the of wine in hand eating pasta...
{yep- i did grab some meatballs for the kiddos dinner from ikea...
but no i didn't have the desire to do anymore cooking than pasta & a tomato herb sauce...}

so...i'm here a day late...sharing a little moment of our life...
far from the beaches of sydney...
in the sunshine of the english countryside...
thanks for the coffee...
the wander...
& enjoy your little stash of english lavender...
{picked by miss.audrey who is a leetle obsessed with all things lavender & balls of string!}

linking up as usual with gorgeous *amy*
the sandy-toed inspiring *sarah*

